
Eton Action is an independent charity whose activities consist primarily of fundraising for and supporting charities other than the College itself. It was founded by boys at Eton College many years ago and is still run by our boys today. 


Fundraising events, such as sponsored runs and swim-a-thons, run throughout the school year in aid of the five chosen charities of that year. 

Over 2022-23, we have raised £75,365 for charity through Eton Action. This figure doesn’t include the over £7,000 that was raised by pupils and staff outside of Eton Action; nor does it include various individual fundraisers that pupils and staff have organised and participated in throughout the academic year.

Of the over £75,000 raised through Eton Action:

  • £40,636 was raised for our 5 charities (Trussell Trust, Fulham Reach Boat Club, Oscar Foundation, Dusty Yak Foundation, BBOWT)
  • £31,662 was raised for other charities such as Unicef, Save the Children, Music and the Deaf, United World Schools, Hands Up Foundation, and the DEC.
  • £3,067 was raised for Slough Mencap through our annual Mufti/Casual Change Day

Everyone always comes together to make the Eton Action Fair happen. We are honoured to host the fair each year and we are so proud of all the boys and staff who volunteer their time. 

Eleanor Chownsmith, Eton Connect Coordinator

The Eton Action Fair, is the biggest fundraising event of the year and the next event will be held on Saturday 14 September 2024. Visit the Eton Action Fair page for details.  

Eton Action Fair September 2023 Highlights

Eton Action Charities 2024/5

The Eton Action charities are voted for by boys and staff of Eton College during the Eton Action Annual General Meeting.

Slough Refugee Support

Slough Refugee Support extends a welcome and gives practical help to 150+ refugees and asylum seekers in Slough and the Thames Valley each year. They provide advice and legal support, giving help to access employment, health and education services and providing sewing classes with a creche.

Rainbow Trust

Rainbow Trust is a charity that cares for the families of children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions. They provide a Family Support Worker to give assistance to families struggling to cope with the huge burden of looking after a seriously ill child. The money we raise will go to the Reading branch of this charity.

Campaign Against Living Miserably

Campaign Against Living Miserably is a mental health charity that seeks to reduce the number of suicides amongst young people. They offer support, advice, friendship and many other resources to help people who are feeling suicidal, and to help people when a loved one has committed suicide.


BEAT is the UK’s eating disorder charity. They aim to end the pain the suffering caused by eating disorders. About 1.25 million people in the UK suffer from illnesses to do with eating and BEAT runs a National Helpline to encourage and empower people to get help quickly. Their work saves lives, keeps families together and enables people to live free from eating disorders.

Restart Africa

Restart Africa works to save abused, abandoned and desperate children in Kenya. They work to offer street children from Gilgil a haven from drugs, violence and homelessness. They provide a home at The Centre, rehabilitating, educating and inspiring the children and young people to find self-respect, security and hope.


local charities, businesses and artisans attended the latest Eton Action Fair.

Charities seeking Eton Action’s financial support for next year must submit an email application in the form of a letter attached to the e-mail as a Word document or PDF – not written in the body of the email. The application must include details of the charity’s annual accounts and the registered charity number. Charities should apply by end of December to be considered for the following academic year. Confirmation will be sent only to successful applicants during the Lent term.

The Co-Curriculum

Community Engagement