Thanks to generations of benefactors and supporters we are fortunate to have a well-established endowment, which allowed us to budget £9.7 million for scholarships and bursaries in the 2023/24 financial year. Bursaries are means-tested awards which are given to help support families who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford some, or all of the school fees. Parents who notify us that they require financial assistance are invited to complete an online bursary application form so that the Bursaries Committee can determine the level of bursary award applicable, if any. Bursaries range from 5% to 100% and are dependent on a family’s financial circumstances. We do not publish guidance on qualifying income levels as each application is assessed on a case by case basis.
An independent company may carry out a home visit to assist in the assessment of family circumstances. All applications are then considered by the Bursaries Committee, chaired by the Bursar.
We support as many applications as possible. In 2022/23, 265 boys received fee reductions; 105 of these boys paid no fees at all. The average award was 69% of the fee.

boys paid no fees in 2022/23.
Unfortunately, we still cannot fund all of the applications and so our development team is working hard with current supporters to try to grow our funds still further.
For further information, please contact our fees and bursaries team.
We are committed to making an Eton education accessible to talented boys whatever their background.
Simon Henderson, Head Master
A gift to Financial Aid ensures that Eton continues its long heritage of transforming the lives of talented boys.