Eton provides numerous opportunities for boys to reflect on religious and spiritual values, and to experience communal life through Chapel and other services.
There are four Church of England Chaplains. Each has a connection with a group of Boarding Houses, which they visit regularly to get to know the boys and provide pastoral care.
The incarnate ministry of chaplaincy in all aspects of school life has an osmotic effect… preparing the boys for the difficult times and displaying the accessible nature of the Christian faith, as a place of refuge and forgiveness.
Anglican Chaplain
Services in both College and Lower Chapels follow the practice of the Church of England, with a mix of morning prayer, evensong and choral communion. A Confirmation service is held once a year, and those boys wishing to be confirmed attend preparatory classes and an Away Day. The Chaplaincy team also organises assemblies, when boys have the opportunity of hearing those whose faith has inspired them to undertake valuable charitable or public-spirited work.

services were held every day when the Chapel was first built.
Apart from a pattern of school-wide weekly Chapel services and assemblies, Chaplains prepare boys for Confirmation; offer optional services of Eucharist or Compline; promote boys’ support for charities; arrange a rich programme of guest preachers and speakers; and celebrate feasts of the church, such as Harvest-tide, Ascension and Ash Wednesday. Carol Services, Leavers’ Sunday and Remembrance Sunday are important occasions in the school year. Eton also celebrates Founder’s Day, St Andrew’s Day, Obiit King Henry VI and the Fourth of June with Chapel services.
The Roman Catholic community at Eton is like any parish, with regular attendance at Mass and reception of the sacraments keeping the sense of community alive.
Roman Catholic Chaplain
Each year the Chaplaincy team and divinity department arrange two major lectures, the Lyttelton Lecture and the Bevir Lecture. On these occasions all boys have the opportunity to hear and talk with prominent religious leaders who have been asked to reflect either on their own faith journey or the place of religion in the public sphere.
As befits a school which produced, in the Reformation, both Protestant martyrs and a Catholic saint, Roman Catholics have their own Chaplain who offers Mass on Sundays and on several weekday evenings. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is regularly available, and Confirmation is administered once a year. Roman Catholic boys take part in all daily school services of a non-sacramental nature.
Though Christianity is not our faith, we are happy to think of our son starting each day in an atmosphere of quiet contemplation in College Chapel.
Hindu parent
Instruction in the Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu and Sikh faiths is given during the time of Sunday Chapel by the Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu and Sikh Tutors. Boys of these faiths are excused from Sunday Chapel if their parents wish, but are expected to take part in school services on weekdays.
Boys are given a range of opportunities to show leadership as they welcome guest preachers and speakers, assist with fundraising for charity and undertake readings in Chapel.