On Monday afternoon last week, a team of 11 pupils found themselves not limbering up for Field Game or football, but for a poetry recital competition in Election Hall. The team was comprised of six Etonians and five Holyport pupils.
We kicked off the afternoon in the early modern period, Shakespeare’s second sonnet, swept through to the Romantics – Blake and that great friend of Coleridge’s, Robert Southey – then further up the line to the driving rhythms of Tennyson’s Ulysses and then to our finishers, those moderns: D.H. Lawrence, Frost, and finally the most contemporary poet in our midst, Tyrese G.
Our congratulations to John B (SPH), who was the overall winner for his recitation of Tennyson’s Ulysses. All entrants will represent the College in the PoetrybyHeart regional competition.