Student Enrichment
Our ambition is that Etonians should be able to look back on their years at school as a time of personal growth. Much of what makes Eton such an extraordinary place is the wealth of co-curricular opportunity offered to boys – from the extensive society programmes, to debating competitions, sports and athletics, or community service, to name a few. The breadth of activities inspires every boy to discover his unique passions.
The school very much acts as a place of discovery. From attending society meetings one night to rehearsing in the Farrer on another, I, like many others, have been afforded the chance to find where my passions lie. It is only as I approach my final stages at the school that I can truly look back and appreciate just how fortunate we are.
Will Atiomo (ABH 19)
Philanthropy is critical in enriching the boy experience and maintaining the extensive calendar and facilities needed to develop boys’ talents, interests and character. Through gifts to Student Enrichment, donors are encouraged to support areas of the School they find meaningful, thereby instilling these values in boys for generations to come.
Over the past two centuries, Eton’s sports programme has seen sport as a central aspect of the educational experience – we deliver education through sport.
Recognising the importance of sport to an Eton education, the College is undertaking the largest-ever refurbishment and expansion of its sports facilities. Together, the new Eton Sports and Aquatic Centre and the School Sports Centre, will allow generations of Eton boys to benefit from and be inspired by a state-of-the-art teaching and training environment.
Gifts to Sport help Eton to continue to have the best facilities, coaching staff, and programmes to develop in boys a strength of character, commitment to excellence, and passion for living a happy and healthy life.

Teaching and Research
Whether engaging boys in discussions across seminar tables, solving complex problems with them in the laboratory, or helping boys develop characters on the stage, Eton’s Masters help boys to broaden their perspectives and discover their passions.
Gifts to Teaching and Research strengthen the College’s commitment to excellence in its academic enterprise, ensuring that boys benefit from the best masters, innovations in pedagogy, and opportunities to explore knowledge in rich and immersive ways.
The Tony Little Centre
Research underpins our excellence in teaching. The Tony Little Centre for Innovation and Research in Learning (CIRL) helps Eton’s Masters to develop their skills through self-assessment and working alongside colleagues across the various disciplines. The Centre also works to explore and evaluate scientific discoveries, the latest technologies, and best practice in teaching and learning to enhance and better understand how young people learn.